Historical Maps of Clyde

1. Cranbourne 1859-1860?

2. Parish of Sherwood 1857

3. Parish of Sherwood 1858

4. Parish of Cranbourne 1859

5. Sherwood 1887

6. Clyde Township 1889

7. Cranbourne Shire 1924

8. Sherwood 1930

9. Cranbourne Shire 1937


Maps and Roads
Historical Maps of Clyde (1857-1937)

3. Country Lots, Parish of Sherwood (1858, 27 May)
Clyde, south of Ballarto Road. Future southern section of Clyde almost totally owned by John Bakewell. Description of the land included. No railway line.

What to observe in this map.
1. No railway line.
2. Includes some land descrption- trees, grass, flowers, flat or hilly.
3. First Clyde buyers: John Bakeweoo, William Jones, J Mickle, James Bruce

To view the original copy open the link below from the Victoria State Library

Source: State Library Victoria
Creator / Author: Victoria. Public Lands Office